This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation I Orange Shirt Day September 30, 2022

Town News

Take this day to learn about the historical and current realities of Indigenous Peoples and the Impact of the Residential School System.

Listen: A DAY TO LISTEN 2022 - Amplifying Indigenous Voices. Tune in Sept 30th, 6AM – 6PM local time

Contribute: Orange Shirt Society Fund -

Visit: Little Shoes Memorial on the steps of Town Hall

Learn More: This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, explore the rich and diverse cultures, voices, experiences and stories of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Whether you want to read, listen, watch, or try, start your learning journey today. Resources are available by visiting,

This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation I Orange Shirt Day September 30, 2022This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation