Council Meetings
All Council meetings are held virtually or at the Town Hall, located at 30 King Street East, 2nd Floor. Any changes to the venue will be posted on the Town’s website.
***Please note*** The regular scheduled meetings of Council for June 4, 18; July 16, and; August 6, 2024 will being at 5:00 PM (as per Motion #24-055, dated May 7, 2024). |
Council Meetings are regularly held at 6:00 PM. All regular meetings of Council shall be held on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise determined by the Council. Call to Order and Closed Sessions of Council may vary depending on time needed for Closed Session of Council. Open Session of Council will commence at 6:00 PM.
Delegation to Appear Before Council
Persons wishing to address Council shall submit an Application to Speak Before Council to the Clerk no later than 12:00 PM (Noon) a minimum of five (5) days (not including weekends or holidays) prior to the regular meeting, or as otherwise provided for in the notice of the meeting. Such Application shall contain the subject matter to be discussed, and the name, address and telephone number of a spokesperson(s) chosen by the delegation to make the presentation.
For further information or to be placed as a Delegation on the meeting agenda, please contact the Clerk at 613-382-2149 Ext. 1120 or
Petitions to the Council
Any person(s) wishing to submit a Petition to the Council must follow the Procedure for Submitting a Petition, as set out in the Town's Procedural By-law. Please submit Petition Forms to the Clerk either in person or via email at
The Town’s Procedural By-law 2016-094, as amended, guides the procedure and format of Council meetings.
- Council meetings take place in a formal setting where discussion on recommended or proposed motions and by-laws are limited and decisions are final.
- All meetings are open to the public and attendance and participation are welcome.
- Please take note that all general correspondence supplied to Council are considered as a public document and may result in the item being posted on the Town's website - the only exception/s would be items covered under Section 239 of the Municipal Act.
Public attendance is welcome.
Closed Meetings
At times, Council must deal with matters of a confidential nature. When this situation arises, Council holds a closed (or in-camera) meeting. Under the Municipal Act, 2001, a municipal council, local board or a committee may close a meeting, or part of a meeting, to the public to discuss the following matters:
Security of Property of Municipality or Local Board.
Personal Matters Concerning an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Board Employees.
A Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land by the Municipality.
Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations.
Litigation or Potential Litigation, including Matters Before Administrative Tribunals, Affecting the Municipality or Local Board.
Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-client Privilege, including Communications Necessary for that Purpose.
A Matter in Respect of Which a Council, Board, Committee or other Body may hold a Closed meeting under Another Act.
Information Explicitly Supplied In Confidence to the Municipality or Local Board by Canada, a Province or Territory or A Crown Agency of any of them.
A Trade Secret or Scientific, Technical, Commercial, Financial or Labour Relations Information, Supplied In Confidence to the Municipality or Local Board, which, If Disclosed, Could Reasonably Be Expected to Prejudice Significantly the Competitive Position or Interfere Significantly With the Contractual or Other Negotiations of a Person, Group of Persons, or Organization.
A Trade Secret or Scientific, Technical, Commercial or Financial Information that Belongs to the Municipality or Local Board and has Monetary Value or Potential Monetary Value.
A Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to any Negotiations Carried On or to be Carried on by or on Behalf of the Municipality or Local Board.
In addition, meetings of a municipal council, a local board or a committee may be closed to the public if:
- The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members;
- At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee;
- The subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the council, board, commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act.
In order to close a meeting to the public, Council must state by resolution that a closed meeting will be held and state the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting.
Request for Closed Session Investigation Form
The Municipal Act also imposes certain restrictions on a meeting that is held without the public present by requiring that no vote be taken on any matter unless the vote is for a procedural matter or for the giving of directions or instructions to the officers of the municipality.
It is the duty of the Town Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the Council.