Notice of Disruption in Service | Santa Claus Parade

Public Notices

There is currently a planned service disruption. The estimated time of the service disruption will be: 

From: November 30 2024 
To: November 30 2024

The disruption includes: 
This year’s Santa Clause Parade will be held on Saturday November 30th at 5:30p.m. E/B traffic will be able to proceed on Park Street until the parade begins. In tandem, vehicular traffic will also be re-directed to Victoria, First, River, Machar, Adelaide, Brock to Stone. All streets will be re-opened once the parade is finished. Please refrain from parking on King Street (between 
Charles St. and Park St.) beginning at 4:00pm.

On behalf of the Town of Gananoque, we would like to thank you for your patience in this matter.

Public Works
613-382-2149 ext. 1613